Favorite Links
Here are some of my favorite links.

- Seekers Church - www.seekerschurch.org
- Seekers Church is my life context for a lot of the content on this website, particularly the content found under the "Christian" tab.
- The Center for Progressive Christianity - www.tcpc.org
- The Center for Progressive Christianity is one good place suporting networking among progressive Christian organizations, congregations, individuals, and communities.
- Xark - http://xark.typepad.com
- My son, Daniel Conover, and my daughter-in-law, Janet Edens, have alot of fun running a website focused on reforming journalism and whatever else their creative minds and hearts care about.
- National Religious Campaign Against Torture - www.nrcat.org
- This is an inclusive religious website that provides information and action opportunites aimed at removing the moral stain on the United States created by President Bush by making torture a part of U.S. policy.
- International Foundation for Gender Education - www.ifge.org
- Provides a diverse Web site that includes access to transgender resources and access to transgender organizations in the United States and around the world.
- Welcoming Resources - www.welcomingresources.org
- This website and program is a project of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and provides excellent resources for congregation that wish to recognize and invite the participation of glbt people.
Susan's Place - www.susans.org
- A nice broad-ranging independent website.