Worship Resources
Worship Resources for use with the Reducing Poverty Course
Seekers Church School of Christian Living
Transliterations by Pat Conover
Spring, 2009
Psalm 9:18-20
The voice of the poor will not always be disregarded.
The hope of the poor will not always be in vain.
Arise, God and restrain the people who do not listen or care. Let the nations discover that they are only human inventions. Judge the nations and teach them to be afraid of the results of their injustice.
Psalm 107:1-7
It is good when all who have been redeemed by God give thanks. God has rescued, has redeemed, the people who were held by the power of their enemies. God gathered them home from east and west, north and south.
Some lost their way in the wastelands. They could find no path to the city where they could live. They were hungry and thirsty and their spirits were faint. Then they cried out to God and spoke of their troubles and God rescued them from their distress. God led them by a straight path to a city where they might live.