
Many people have contributed to this website and I thank them all.
I particularly thank my daughter Samantha Grace who created the website and taught me HTML and how to meneuver within the website to get the look and content I wanted. What a lovely gift!
The theme of the website is Sharing the Journey. The photographs throughout the site all have content that supports the website and they collectively serve to integrate the website in terms of its theme.
The photographers are also sharing the journey and that is a beautiful thing. I don't know any of them personally. But the generous spirit that has led to so much sharing of free materials on the web is, for me, one of the most hopeful signs for a generational change in our culture. The photos gave me a small sense, a taste, of places I have never been, scenes I have never seen. In one sense this website is about me, Pat Conover, but Pat Conover has no meaning or value apart from the web of relationships I share. The photographers remind me, and I hope they will remind you, that so many people I cannot know personally contribute to my well-being, create the generous opportunities for appreciation and service that let me, that let any of us, thrive and contribute. Thanks again photographers!
Almost all of the photographs were gathered from the website. Photoree posts photographs from FlickR that are in the public domain and allow reuse for non-commercial purposes when attribution is provided. When you let your cursor linger over a photograph you will see the title of the photograph and the name or pseudonym provided through FlickR. I acknowledge and thank the creators of Photoree and FlickR who made it possible for me to find and show these wonderful photos.
I particularly thank Troy Mason for his photograph, "Father and Daughter," which Samantha turned into the Banner for the website. I chose the picture because it seemed so perfect for expressing the theme of sharing the journey. Then I lost the attribution note I had taken. When I figured out how to use the "favorites" function of Photoree and recovered the attribution information, I was delighted to note that the title of the photograph so serendipitously expresses my appreciation to Samantha Grace for helping me put this websie together.
Some photographers, including Peter Bowers, ToniVC (, Amanda Rudkin, and Stuck in Customs, have shared more than one photo shown on this site. I thank them in particular but also note that the many other photographers have also produced some terrific, often highly suggestive, sometimes breathtaking, photos as well.